A New Challenge: Take on the Latin American Oscar Nominees

I’ve seen what the historians deem to be great, now I want to look at what one of the most important awards in cinema, the Oscars, thinks of Latin America’s film industry. Though the awards show has faced its fair share of criticism, they are, nevertheless, the arbiters of film history. Seeing as how they are the ones that make films immortal, it’s necessary to see the films the Academy has honored

For this challenge I also have a few ground rules.

  1. I can’t include any movies I’ve already seen. That means unfortunately movies like Water for Chocolate or The Official Story are going out with the bathwater.
  2. I am going in chronological order so be patient with the old-fashioned movies at the beginning
  3. There will be one analysis (and translation) a week

It’s going to be a big undertaking but I’m ready for the challenge. If anybody has any suggestions or actually ends up reading this blog, I’d be happy to hear them. Hopefully, by the time I finish this, I will have learned a lot about Latin America and connected with new people.
